Let's go Fly Fishing

Explore South Western Ontario's
Finest Steelhead Rivers!

Photos & Video courtesy of Daniel Favato & Theodore Ovejas

Mission Statement

Our Roots Fishing with Tradition and Heart

At River Run Guiding, our mission is to provide an unmatched fly fishing experience by sharing our passion and expertise on the water, educating and instructing anglers and giving clients the opportunity to explore our beautiful Ontario rivers. Whether you are new to fly fishing or a seasoned angler, we are able to accommodate any skill level and are committed to personalizing your Steelhead adventure. We are a fully insured and full-service guiding company specializing in Great Lakes Steelhead on the swing. We are a “swing” only operation with two-handed (spey) or single hand rods.

We Educate and Inspire

Anglers of all ages and skill levels, we promote safe fish handling practices with a “keep em’ wet” philosophy. At River Run Guiding we have a strict catch and release policy to ensure a stable fishery for generations to come.

Let's Go Spey Fishing

Come Swing Some Flies!

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Let's Go Spey Fishing

Come Swing Some Flies!

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Explore South Western Ontario's Finest Rivers!

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Words From Our Customers